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On-site visit with the designer to discuss a specific issue, or get ideas for your customized design


  • Address a specific design issue, or get ideas for a complete renovation
  • Affordable way to see what's possible for your space​



A customized design and plant list just for you!

  • Gardens that attract pollinators, beneficial insects, birds, and butterflies bring life to your garden.  By designing with a wide selection of California native plants, our designs embrace biodiversity and sustainability. 
  • No need for harmful pesticides and herbicides, and low water usage.  A healthy outdoor space for you and the environment



Imagine a harmonious blend of Mediterranean and California Native plants, carefully selected to bloom sequentially throughout the seasons for a beautiful, sustainable, low maintenance garden.
We design Biodiversity in Bloom!​​


Included Services
  • 2D Plans with all necessary measurement for perfect plant placement
  • 3D Renderings so you can visualize your newly transformed outdoor space!

  • Plant Sourcing and Selection
  • Plant lists
    • Common and botanical names
    • Links to full description and photos
    • Links to local nurseries and pricing
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